Fishnet tights & socks are in fashion for Spring 2017

Lately I had many inquiries about fishnet socks, especially short ankle ones. There seems to be a trend on the runway to wear anything fishnet, like tops and tights.

fishnet tights and socks are in fashion for spring 2017 collage

fishnet tights and socks are in fashion for spring 2017

Here is one of my photos from Instagram, taken recently, of my legs in fancy fishnet tights. It’s not a new pair, but all the sudden I feel more fashionable about wearing it.

Fiore Vera pantyhose

New Mantyhose Blog and an Avid Male Wearer

Hello, Mantyhose fans! I wanted for a long time already to introduce this special mantyhose person to you. He lives in USA and takes pride in wearing fun hosiery with shorts. Most mantyhose wearers keep it basic, but this man loves to show it off.

His blog –

I especially enjoyed to read his section about favourite brands, as he explains why he likes them.

man wearing fancy pantyhose

Blogger in Gina Lurex Tights

Backseam is one of the toughest styles to photograph since the seams shift. These are almost perfect, I know how hard it is to keep it straight.

This pretty blogger did a photoshoot for Fiore hosiery in Gina lurex backseam tights. I like how she combined it with the theme of make up, as pantyhose are too in a way make up for the legs.

gina pantyhose by Fiore with lurex backseam 1 gina pantyhose by Fiore with lurex backseam 2 package and make up gina pantyhose by Fiore with lurex backseam 3 on a blogger

If you like these and would like to get it, these tights are available at the shop section – Gina lurex backseam tights.

Blogger in Apriel tights by Fiore

This blogger is showing off her amazing heels paired with Apriel tights by Fiore brand.

blogger apriel mock stocking tights by Fiore hosiery 4 blogger apriel mock stocking tights by Fiore hosiery 3 blogger apriel mock stocking tights by Fiore hosiery 2 blogger apriel mock stocking tights by Fiore hosiery 1

I have a pair of these Apriel tights too, but somehow on my legs it doesn’t look as sheer as on her legs. I wonder if I am wearing a size that is too big.

Such mock stockings tights are very popular in my city (Vancouver) and perhaps all over the world after a few celebrities wore it on stage and started a trend.

Trendy Model in Taya Pantyhose

This is a style by Fiore called Taya. I love how this girl put her outfit together! Perhaps I should try to do something of this sort myself. I have similar clothing in my wardrobe.

model Taya pantyhose by Fiore 2 model Taya pantyhose by Fiore 3 model Taya pantyhose by Fiore

If you like these over knee imitation tights, you can buy it here – Taya.

Tights in Saskatoon

Saskatoon tights buyWith all my recent travels, I came to read a few articles in the in flight magazine that actually pointed out to Saskatoon (a city in Saskatchewan) being quite a trendy place.

Initially my only knowledge of Saskatoon was that they have moose roaming and peeking into your open windows.  However, now I see that there are some sexy vixens there flaunting all sorts of outfits including tights!

I saw this photo on the Planet S Magazine website, featuring a local girl with a sense of style. Yes, people wear fashion tights in Saskatoon!

Nylon Socks and Open Toe Summer Shoes

nylon socks and open toe shoes

Such combination is considered to be OK.

Past summer there was a trend, at least in Asia, of such combinations.  What are your thoughts on that?  I even saw some in our local store and thought it was terrible, but my Chinese friend explained to me that it was actually a popular trend.

Russian stylists also addressed the topic, but said that it’s something for women who are under 20 years old.

nylon socks and white sandals

No way! Ugly! Only for grandmothers.

Another designer, Maxim Chernitsov, ridiculed it when women wear nude nylon socks with open toe shoes to avoid getting blisters because it him it was something a grandmother would do only.

Would you ever wear summer shoes with nylon socks?

nylon foot socks and shoes

But isn’t this one kind of hot?

*Dear friends, please keep in mind that the funding for this blog comes from the shop section. Please have a look at it.*

Melting Tights from Germany by URB brand

by Helene, Belarus

A few days ago my friend shared with me this link and her excitement about this new kind of melting tights. Well, I was excited too and even was thinking of how to get a pair of them for myself. But luckily I had a long journey and enough time to think about it.

melting tights on models


OK, let us suppose I will buy such tights. But what after that? Where shall I wear them? Maybe I will be able to wear them for some extraordinary party or event, which usually takes place once in a blue moon.

If I wear them outside instead of normal tights I will attract everyone’s attention.  Maybe I’ll get comments from people.  But the biggest fun it would be if I put them on in autumn, when it rains all time, and let people wonder what’s going on.

melting tights on teenagers



This reminds me of a story which my friend told me. She was trying to get some tan and used special cream for that. That was supposed to be of a good quality and she really believed in it till once she got caught in rain. This cream reacted with rain water and formed a thick layer of foam flowing down her legs! Could you imagine how embarrassed she was walking outside?

melting tights by URB


Some of these designs combine the paint with the holes and runs.  In my opinion those holes just make tights look awful. Maybe I am old-fashioned, but then why do majority of women throw away tights when they are torn?  Some people may continue wearing it with the same pride as if it were designer clothes and even think of it as sexy. Anyway it is up to one’s taste, but I can’t stand any kind of holes or runs in my tights.  Holes in tights are not a new invention, so let us turn back to paint flows on these melting tights.

melting pantyhose trio


Well, one evident advantage is that people will turn their attention to tights rather than to legs, that is why this attire is the best choice for those whose legs are far from perfect. It is summer now and many girls and women try to beautify themselves by wearing the most incredible things. Short skirts and dresses when legs are far from perfect, massive rings when fingers are swollen from heat, thick make-up flowing from heat and sweat, so those tights can complete the image. Flowing make-up and flowing paint will be a perfect combination.

melting tights blue and yellow


With women taking on professions that were traditionally performed by males, it’s not a surprise that men wouldn’t borrow anything from women.  So logically – why not men then wearing tights?  Then they also shall not forget about dresses and skirts. URB brand came out with melting tights for both genders.

melting tights for men



These tights can be really good for teenagers who like to be different and stand out from crowd. Shorts or short skirt, bright running shoes or comfortable shoes, bright top – and the teenager-girl will look wonderful. All suits them if chosen with taste.

But I don’t think it’s OK for those who aren’t in their teenage years anymore. Of course adult women will attract much attention when they try to put on such tights, but this will be not the kind of attention they are looking for. If you are not a teenager anymore, not a model or a TV-star, then better avoid such thing.

melting tights by URB brand


Such tights is quite good and innovative idea, everything has a right to exist. And we choose carefully where it’s appropriate and where it isn’t.

I come to a conclusion that even though it can be fun, but when it comes to daily wear this style is not for me. So I will wait until I become a celebrity TV host or a famous sci-fi movie actress and then I can go ahead and make a hell of a fashion statement!

Happy Easter – Gucci Collection Inspired by Ukrainian Pysanka Art

pysanka gucci fall 2008 4

To all my friends who celebrate Easter, you may find it entertaining that in 2008 Gucci decided to run a series of pysanka-inspired designs.  Pysanka is the art of Ukrainian Easter egg decoration.  It’s quite a procedure!

With some precision wax application and alternating colouring solutions one can achieve incredibly detailed designs.  One time, a very long time ago, when I was a teen, I had the experience of making such a decorative egg at an ethnic event.

By the way, for those of you who are interested in recycling pantyhose, it is used to dye Easter eggs.  Pantyhose fabric plays the role of a casing that presses leaves or designs against the egg and thus leaving that shape uncoloured.

I am asking Julia from Ukraine to do a hosiery-inspired pysanka design for this blog.  Will she do it?  Your encouragement is greatly appreciated in both verbal and financial form.

pysanka gucci fall 2008 3