Wearing 60 den tights by Gabriella

Gabriella 60 den microfibra black tights on my legs plus size

Here is a shot of me wearing 60 den microfiber tights by Gabriella. These are actually plus size! Currently they are on sale, 50% off. There are a few shades to pick from – chocolate, cappuccino, graphite, and black.

A fan ordered them and allowed me to model them to assess how stretchy they are. The waistline is quite stretchy. I managed to pull it up to my neck. Here is a video below of me showing them off and playing with the waist band.


Ukrainian Tights – a Gift from Julia

seamed hosiery

A few years back my friend Julia sent me a package from Ukraine. It contained many cool souvenirs and of course, knowing how much I’m into it, she sent 2 pairs of tights. 

In my opinion, both styles are quite rare. I’ve seen beige back seam tights before with a black seam and with a beige seam, but never a darker shade like this, especially with a reinforced toe. 

grey polka dot pantyhose from Ukraine on my legs - Ukrainian brand hosiery

Polka dots are common, but to find them in grey is not. To my surprise both styles turned out to be quite durable. 

If you are wondering when these photos were taken, I will surprise you – just about 2 days ago! Yes, Calgary still has snow falling from time to time. It is almost March and I still didn’t pack away my winter jackets. 

Here are photos of the packages. Giulia brand and Duve brand.

Duve, Giulia hosiery brands ukrainian pantyhose brands covers 1 Duve Giulia

Is white pantyhose still trendy?

You’ll probably agree with me, but white is the toughest colour to see on people in terms of hosiery. It’s so rare! It could be a fun colour for the summer though if worn properly.

I saw this photoshoot from another blogger and thought to share it with you. She looks so pretty and somehow managed to make her whole outfit work out perfectly.

fun white pantyhose 1

fun white pantyhose 2 fun white pantyhose 3

fun white pantyhose 4

She is Russian and I think she lives around there. But in my city (Vancouver, BC) for example such outfit could perhaps only be seen on Asian girls.

Germany Next Top Hosiery Model Competition

Germany Next Top Model Challenge

Germany Next Top Model Challenge

I found this fun segment on Youtube.  It looks like these models had a pantyhose fashion assignment!  Which one of them will be the alpha hosiery model?  Which one has the best imagination and legs to go with it?

Are these random shots of models who happen to wear pantyhose or is this really a fashion challenge?  I am trying to find the full version of this video, so if anyone can help to locate this divine hosiery model material, I’ll be so grateful.  There are some references online to this saying that Heidi Klum was one of the judges.

A native German speaker translated for me the two sentences that we hear the models say: “You may get used to these clothes…” and “I was glad that the body covered my butt cheeks”.  He is pretty sure that it was an assignment to present pantyhose.  Seriously, they have bikini contests, why not have hosiery contests?

Link: http://youtu.be/EJQA1mM9_r0


Perhaps modeling pantyhose is a challenging assignment just because it is not a common garment to be shown off like that.  Garter belts and stockings are so common that you can see them on any poster, but pantyhose, especially without a skirt, is a different topic because it is not as abundantly displayed. The job of a hosiery model is not easy since she needs to present a garment in an attractive way without looking vulgar or too suggestive.


Victoria Bonya Pulls it Off Smoothly, or Not?

By Inna, our Ukrainian Connection

There is a whole lot of ways to draw public attention to your irresistible self, but the next case can simply render you speechlessly perplexed, especially if you at least a bit care for your appearance, particularly, the look of your legs.

It was one of those entertainment TV shows, Shopaholics, aired on Russian MTV channel, with very simple set of rules. Several contestants are given 5000 RUB each (approximate equivalent for 160 USD) and a restricted span of time (an hour, seemingly) to stir up their creative inner-stylist while rushing around the designated mall and hunting up the garments. Afterwords, finds are put on, exhibited in front of jury’s panel, judged and mocked on by the respective board and the decision upon winner is brought out.

tights, hosiery, fashion, stylistShort clip of the Shopaholics, that we offer for your amusement alongside this post, shows popular Russian TV/radio host and fashion model Victoria Bonya, as she is impertinently getting rid of pantyhose right away on the faux catwalk stage. The broadcast is in Russian, so let’s highlight vital points in conversation.

When the clip commences, Victoria is praised on her choice of dress and hair-do by the first stylist and suddenly he came to halt with flattering to make a remark about her tights. To put it the way he said it might have sounded like ‘they knocked me out’.

While the main stylist, Vitaliy Kozak, haven’t even taken his opportunity to end the phrase, the resourceful participant of Shopaholics interrupted him, expeditiously catching at the chance to remedy the situation, ‘I can take them off! Would you like?..’ Then two of judging stylists seemed to goad her in a jest to doing thus, but Bonya pulled up the hem of her dress and started to wriggle out of reportedly misused pantyhose.

Виктория Боня снимÐ°Р“С’µР“‘‚ ГђВєГђВѕГђ»Р“ђВіГђВѕГ‘‚киThe jury was stunned, but our bold competitor effortlessly and shamelessly proceeded, ‘Look, I’m a fashion model, and as you know they, models, are used to putting things on and undressing straight away at the show. It’s not that complicated… You know why (I opted to wearing tights under the dress)?.. Because of the shoes! Don’t know why, those spangles led me astray!’

Pantyhose were thrown away, new Victoria’s look sans tights was approved without exception. Moreover, male stylist dilated on the subject of pantyhose having suggested to wear them only in the winter and strictly under the trousers (everyone is entitled to their opinion, so we will skip this statement without response).

In her behind-the-scene commentaries, the girl also elaborates on her prompt decision, ‘I realized if I would not have taken the tights, that would be my blunder. So I eagerly doffed them without any concern of cameras and the like. I terribly apologise if somebody was embarrassed by this move, but I didn’t take off the underwear, it was just tights!’

Виктория Боня, КорнÐµР“С’»Р“ђВёГ‘ВЏ ГђЕ“Гђ°Р“ђВЅГђВіГђВѕ, ГђЕЎГђ°Р“‘€Ð¸Ð½Ð° Кокс ГђВё Гђ®Р“С’»Р“ђВёГ‘ВЏ ГђЕёГђ°Р“‘€ÑˆÑƒÑ‚а

As the bottom line, it’s obvious, that daring blonde appeared much better looking after having replaced matte pantyhose with her tanned bare skin. However, the question yet abides: what were you thinking of meanwhile picking up all that attire, given that you were surely aware the duds should come in line with each other. Maybe, to strut all your stuff at once?

Black dress with a gaudy pompous frills athwart, perked up with nude sparkly pumps, and finally diluted by lustreless, apparently thickish for the-purpose-in-hand legwear. Why don’t simply position one thing into focus and gather the rest pieces in accordance to the staple garment? In the end, you don’t ascribe your faulty look to shoes or hosiery or whatever, if it was you who chose them!




ЕÐ»Р“ђВёГ‘ВЃГђµР“С’Р’в„– Косцов, стиÐ»Р“ђВёГ‘Ñ‚

Elissey Kostsov, one of the judges.

Vitaliy Kozak, main stylist in the show.




*Dear Friends, please note that the only source of funding for your blog are your purchases at the shop section.  I invite you to have a look at some nice stockings and pantyhose.  Please keep that in mind.*

Aurora doing a photoshoot in Sheer Black Pantyhose

This is Aurora – she is a local Vancouver girl and my guy did this photoshoot with her in pantyhose.  She is a friendly girl and she obviously looks great in pantyhose!

Friends, please note, these pictures are COPYRIGHTED – do not post them elsewhere.

*Friends, please be kind to the sponsor ads, as this is the only source of funding for my hosiery blog.  Have a look at what they are about.*