Interview: Anne Atkinson, Classic / Mature Model

I would like to introduce Anne Atkinson, a UK-based mature model who has an excellent portfolio of fashion and lingerie photos.  She agreed to answer a few questions about her life and career.


Q: It’s very interesting to see a woman who works as a model beyond
the age of 25.  I’ve heard before that for commercial photoshoots all
different age groups were in demand just so that the companies could
appeal to various age groups.  Do you feel that being a mature model
you have less competition than all the 21-year-olds running from
casting to casting?

A: In my age group there are fewer models with what seems to be a greater variety of looks for different types of shoots. However, getting paid work is harder as there seem to be fewer opportunities, so I have been working on generating some ideas of my own to work on.


Q: Some people say that modeling is fun.  Do you agree?  I personally
see it as work that is physically and mentally demanding, at least
based on my own experience.

A: While modelling can be very physically and mentally demanding, it can also be good fun. It’s good to be able to develop a rapport with the photographer and exchange a few jokes. I prefer not to take myself TO seriously but I feel I have to give the job everything I’ve got.

It’s important to keep fit and eat healthily though, so modelling isn’t just about turning up for jobs but also about maintaining a healthy approach to life all the time. It’s important also to bring ideas of your own to a shoot. The photographers appreciate your input and generating creative ideas adds to the enjoyment of the job.


Q: Have you ever thought of starting your own modelling agency?

A: Starting a modelling agency is not something I have thought of. I would think it would be very hard to get started in what is quite an uncertain area of business.


Q: What are your thoughts about parents putting their kids in modeling
and beauty pageants at an early age?  If it would be up to you, would
you put a certain age minimum on that?

A: When my sons were younger, as they were both attractive children, it crossed my mind to try and get them into the child modelling world. I think parents need to think very carefully about what it could involve and make sure that the child’s happiness and welfare is always foremost.

I have sometimes been concerned that some parents are fulfilling a need of their own and maybe forget to think too deeply about the welfare of the child. I certainly think the child beauty pageants are wrong on many levels. They can give a child an unrealistic set of values and could even lead to problems of self esteem as they get older.

Having said all this, there are obviously children who love all the attention, the opportunities to dress up etc. With the proper safeguards, (including proper checks from outside agencies) I think it can be OK.


Q: Great to see that you enjoy lingerie.  Do you have any favourite
lingerie outfits that you would like to share with us?

A: I enjoy posing in lingerie but, being older, there are areas of my body that I prefer to keep covered. So my favourite types of lingerie are usually items such as bodies, teddies and corsets. One of my favourites is this one (displayed below) – the frill and the different materials accentuates my figure and makes me feel sexy.

Anne Atkinson Fashion Model in Lingerie

Visit Anne’s website:

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Wolford: can men work at the boutique?

Wolford Boutique in Soho

Recently there was a post on Hosiery Advocate’s blog about him feeling that Wolford doesn’t wish to hire male staff.  Eugene, the Hosiery Advocate, even went as far as writing them a letter.

I was in the area, so I walked in and asked about that.  The lady working there told me that they have no problem with hiring men.  However, she did mention that some female customers would rather have another female assist them with the change room.

It seems to me that Wolford may lose sales if their customers are not comfortable wtih the sales staff.  At least when I try something on I ask the sales girl to come over and look so I can be confident that this is the proper fit.   If it’s lingerie, for sure I’d prefer female staff to check the fit.

I used to know a guy in Toronto who brought in a line of Latvian lingerie.  He distributed it to stores, but he also had a retail location where I went with  my mom for shopping.  There was a change room, but he obviously didn’t offer “assistance” beyond the curtain.  I don’t know for what reason, but his business closed down eventually.

Have you ever seen men assisting women in lingerie stores with change rooms (ex. Victoria Secret, La Senza, and so on)?

What is your opinion on this?  Would it hurt Wolford’s sales if they would hire male staff to assist clients at the boutique?

I asked for some opinions and most people seemed to think along the same lines as Jenny from United States who agreed to share her response with us.

“I would definitely feel weird if a guy tried to help me make a purchase at a Wolford store or Victoria Secret. It would say to me that he has a fetish for hosiery or lingerie, and that’s not the kind of person I want standing a foot away from me while I pick out my undergarments. My guess is that most women would feel the same way, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

On the pantyhose forum there were also mentions about the fact that men and women react differently in the same situation when it comes to a sales person of an opposite gender.  Another man stated that he saw gay men working at lingerie stores and women didn’t mind, they just perceived them as one of the girls.

I even consulted two women at work about this matter.  One lady said that for sure she would prefer female staff since they have the same anatomy, but she made an exception – drag queens are OK!  Another young woman said that she doesn’t mind men at all because even her gynecologist is male, she knows what she likes and all she doesn’t require any assistance or assurance in the changeroom.

Let’s say, so far from my little research most of the time both genders would say that lingerie stores should continue to hire only women.  Is this discrimination or not?  I remember that one time a professor told me that equality is a concept that generates a lot of confusion and is often misunderstood.  Perhaps Wolford is also having that dilemma.

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Cuban chambermaids in hosiery despite the heat – Controversy

Every time I am in Cuba, I am surprised to see female hotel staff wear hosiery at all times despite the heat with closed toe shoes.  If I’d have that job, I probably wouldn’t be able to take it anymore and would go ahead and jump in the pool.

A model is posing in a maid outfit near the pool. Courtesy of WamInStyle team.

Just recently one of the women I know returned from Cuba and that was the first thing she mentioned to me, knowing about my hosiery obsession.

To my surprise Cuban staff wear hosiery, but not basic plain.  They all seemed to show off with a variety of patterned tights.  Not only that they wear it, they put effort to draw attention.

I also visited Dominican Republic and Mexico, but their staff go with bare legs.  Only Cuba seems to maintain such high dress code standard.

I can’t really say if I like the idea despire my love for hosiery.  To me clothes should not jeopardize one’s health.  At temperatures soaring close to 40 Celsius wearing synthetic fabrics may lead to skin irritation, fungus infection, and to additional female problems.

Once I was walking all stylish in the heat of the Middle East and the next day ended up with an excema-like rash on my skin.  Locals confirmed that this is what happens to them too if they don’t dress smartly in such heat.

Do you think that pantyhose should still be enforced in extreme heat?  I would probably suggest in summer months to wear fine fishnet stockings (no silicon lining) with a garter belt in order to both look stylish and not feel too hot.

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