Should workplaces enforce a dress code?

by Kate, Russia

Kate in nude fishnet tightsDress code: to have or not to have? As a sales manager I have been thinking about it a lot because my boss welcomes all possible styles out there.


I decided to wear smart casual clothes and sometimes mix styles (for meetings or trade shows), even though other employees are still changing their look every day. As for me, I like casual clothes, as I can relax and not think about all the discomfort a while blouse or shoes can cause.


I remember myself at school, when I liked outstanding bright colours, when I could put on pink tights and felt good about myself. But times change… as well as circumstances. What was good for a young girl doesn’t seem fine for an adult woman. What was good for school isn’t OK for an office.


Though my former habits haven’t died completely – I still like diversifying my smart casual with bright accessories. With tights, of course – I love fishnets, though they aren’t appropriate for all situations in life, just like some of my favourite fancy necklaces and purses.


During formal meetings with clients, I am wearing business clothes and nude tights. In general, dress code is a good thing as it brings order and gives the feeling of “belonging”, as long as it is not boring.

A legendary woman who’s femininity lead to her success

Mary Kay and Pantyhose

Disclaimer:  in this article I am showing my respect for a female entrepreneur and her success, but I am in no way promoting any product here or recommending to join this company. 

Some of you may know that I have a lot of friends from the Mary Kay circles.  One of them gave me a book to read on Mary Kay.  I didn’t expect much from it, but started to read it out of respect for the woman who gave me that book.  It turned out to be one of the best biographies that I’ve ever read.

Mary Kay believed that God made women feminine for a reason and instructed her sales representatives to always look their best.

Even though pants were already acceptable, she told women not to wear it and aim for the most well groomed professional lady appearance.  In her opinion, even men would respect a woman more who behaves and dresses like a lady.

Even though this woman came from a totally different time, her advice for women is very progressive even in these days.  For example, she says that you can’t afford NOT to hire a cleaning lady if you are planning to have a family and a career.

There were times when Mary Kay would be the only woman present at business meetings.  She’d walk into a room full of men and all the sudden they would become quiet and more polite in her presence.  Her feminine look, with diamonds and fancy hair, even though that she was already a grandma, would send the message that this is a lady and one should behave accordingly around her.

I truly admire this woman for having the courage to start her own company when she was already retired and make it against all odds.

*Friends, the only funding for this blog is from the shop section.  Please indulge your pantyhose obsession and show some support for my work!  Your purchases make this blog possible.*

Cuban chambermaids in hosiery despite the heat – Controversy

Every time I am in Cuba, I am surprised to see female hotel staff wear hosiery at all times despite the heat with closed toe shoes.  If I’d have that job, I probably wouldn’t be able to take it anymore and would go ahead and jump in the pool.

A model is posing in a maid outfit near the pool. Courtesy of WamInStyle team.

Just recently one of the women I know returned from Cuba and that was the first thing she mentioned to me, knowing about my hosiery obsession.

To my surprise Cuban staff wear hosiery, but not basic plain.  They all seemed to show off with a variety of patterned tights.  Not only that they wear it, they put effort to draw attention.

I also visited Dominican Republic and Mexico, but their staff go with bare legs.  Only Cuba seems to maintain such high dress code standard.

I can’t really say if I like the idea despire my love for hosiery.  To me clothes should not jeopardize one’s health.  At temperatures soaring close to 40 Celsius wearing synthetic fabrics may lead to skin irritation, fungus infection, and to additional female problems.

Once I was walking all stylish in the heat of the Middle East and the next day ended up with an excema-like rash on my skin.  Locals confirmed that this is what happens to them too if they don’t dress smartly in such heat.

Do you think that pantyhose should still be enforced in extreme heat?  I would probably suggest in summer months to wear fine fishnet stockings (no silicon lining) with a garter belt in order to both look stylish and not feel too hot.

*Friends, the only funding for this blog is from the shop section.  Please indulge your pantyhose obsession and show some support for my work!  Your purchases make this blog possible.*