Wrong Shade of Pantyhose?

Is there such thing as a wrong shade of pantyhose?  I found this photo on a forum.  This woman is wearing pantyhose that looks slightly greener than her own skin tone.  Isn’t it kind of strange?  I would imagine it would look much better on a black girl, for example.

Do you agree?  I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.


Update on Dec 4th, 2012 – submitted by Mike

In his comment below he says: ”

I agree with David. Beware of color cast!

Pictures taken in a forest, under trees or with a large area of grass tend to be green, because of the reflection of the sun on the green leaves or the grass like above. In the same idea, pics taken in the snow tend to look bluer because of the reflection of the sky on the snow’s surface. I made a corrected version of this photo, if you’re interested. It’s fairer to judge a picture with the good equilibrium of the color tones.”

He says: “I corrected the yellow cast caused by the sun in the background and the green cast caused by the grass on the foreground. I also lowered the saturation of the colour of the girl’s face, as her face looked pinkish.”

Original Photo

After colour correction






vertical comparison

horizontal comparison

If Mike is right about the colour cast, I’d say that she is actually wearing a good shade of pantyhose judging by the corrected photos.  In terms of her skin tone – I think that the poor girl simply got a bit of a sunburn in the summer.



Olivia De Berardinis – the art of pinup

As soon as I saw Olivia’s work full of eroticism and sexy lingerie, I knew that I had to mention it on my blog .  I was filled with excitement and I asked her for permission to write about her.  To my surprise, she agreed.

Olivia De Berardinis, born in November of 1948, is an artist from United States who paints pinup girls.  Surprisingly, she contributes monthly to Playboy magazine, presenting her art with Hugh Hefner’s captions.  What a pleasure to know that Hugh Hefner appreciates this kind of work and it turns out that he was inspired by pinup to begin with.

It is a challenge to be a female artist who paints images that are considered to be “male oriented”.  Not everyone gets it and Olivia may be faced with some unhappy feminists.  They just see her as some type of an anomaly.  It all will change, some day, when people become more open-minded.

I invite you to pay a visit to Olivia’s website.  She has a lot of amazing paintings of women, especially women in sexy lingerie like stockings!

What do our readers have to say about this artist?  Here are some wonderful letters I got.

David from Canada

“I think that it’s refreshing to see depictions of women who are unabashedly revealing, and reveling in, their erotic power. These days that just doesn’t happen. The “ideal” modern woman is either the stern fashion model or the strong athlete – pure femininity has become an anachronism. The other thing that the artwork connotes, although implicitly, is the innocent male gaze. The idea that a man can appreciate feminine beauty with out being lascivious, and that women would enjoy that attention, even actively seek it. These days, the “male gaze” is seen as something impertinent, rude and unwanted. That’s what the art evokes for me, nostalgia for a time when sexual chemistry wasn’t so actively squelched. Besides nostalgia, I would also say that the pure sexual and sensual energy of the images is arresting. The lingerie, especially the stockings, creates a dual response: the feminine part of my psyche wonders what it would feel like to wear the clothes, to feel their sensations and to move my body in an alluring way, while the male part wonders what it would be like to touch and embrace the women. One thing is certain, you can’t view the art without feeling a strong and deep reaction.”

David from United States

“I enjoyed studying all the images of Olivia’s that I could find. In her work I see consistent use of fetish and fantasy to portray women as both beautiful and powerful. For me, there is nothing more attractive and than a woman who uses the disarming strength of a man’s fetish to get her way….   a sensual, steamy tango between the hunter and the game …I am most drawn to the many pieces that show women in powerful stances – hands on hips, hips thrown forward, chest out and proud.   Olivia found a husband who shares her passion for fetish art, and she still creates images for Playboy Magazine, with Hughes Hefner composing the captions. “


Olivia’s Website:



*Friends, the only funding for this blog is from stockings shop section.  Please have a look for some wonderful hosiery ideas.*

Cuban chambermaids in hosiery despite the heat – Controversy

Every time I am in Cuba, I am surprised to see female hotel staff wear hosiery at all times despite the heat with closed toe shoes.  If I’d have that job, I probably wouldn’t be able to take it anymore and would go ahead and jump in the pool.

A model is posing in a maid outfit near the pool. Courtesy of WamInStyle team.

Just recently one of the women I know returned from Cuba and that was the first thing she mentioned to me, knowing about my hosiery obsession.

To my surprise Cuban staff wear hosiery, but not basic plain.  They all seemed to show off with a variety of patterned tights.  Not only that they wear it, they put effort to draw attention.

I also visited Dominican Republic and Mexico, but their staff go with bare legs.  Only Cuba seems to maintain such high dress code standard.

I can’t really say if I like the idea despire my love for hosiery.  To me clothes should not jeopardize one’s health.  At temperatures soaring close to 40 Celsius wearing synthetic fabrics may lead to skin irritation, fungus infection, and to additional female problems.

Once I was walking all stylish in the heat of the Middle East and the next day ended up with an excema-like rash on my skin.  Locals confirmed that this is what happens to them too if they don’t dress smartly in such heat.

Do you think that pantyhose should still be enforced in extreme heat?  I would probably suggest in summer months to wear fine fishnet stockings (no silicon lining) with a garter belt in order to both look stylish and not feel too hot.

*Friends, the only funding for this blog is from the shop section.  Please indulge your pantyhose obsession and show some support for my work!  Your purchases make this blog possible.*