Pierre Molinier’s work at an Art Exhibit at PhotoEspaña 2017 in Madrid

fetish, Madrid, artist, photographyPhotoEspaña, Círculo de Bellas Artes, hosting an art exhibition of many artists, including the French photographer and painter, Pierre Molinier, who was an avid black stockings fetishist and a transvestite.

This exhibit takes place in Madrid from May 31st to August 27th, 2017.

Is anyone currently in Spain now? Can you visit and tell me what it was like? I wrote about him earlier, his work is for sure a bit of a taboo, don’t go with your children.

There is a lot of explicit nudity and maybe even violence from what I’ve read about the artist. This would be an 18+ exhibit.This French artist was considered completely shameless, or perhaps just way too progressive for his era.

Second Chance for Women’s Pantyhose

By Julia, our Ukrainian Connection

pantyhose art arrangement - hand crafted

womens pantyhose reused

Since the 60’s, women cannot imagine their life without pantyhose because of all the benefits that this invention presents.  In general, hosiery used to be darned to a point that one would do anything possible to preserve it and prolong its life.  It would never get thrown away!


These days, as the standard of living improved and quite often old ripped pantyhose are thrown away.  But what a waste!  For some appearance of a run is just the beginning.  There is a way to give used pantyhose another chance life and it is something that doesn’t even cross people’s mind.


The uses are so diverse!  There are many options what to do with ripped pantyhose – dusting cloth, dish cloth, storage casing for onions and garlic and for Christmas tree decorations.  But the most interesting idea is to make crafts!  Creativity is unlimited when it comes to using this gentle, light, and romantic fabric to decorate your home.


flower pantyhose on a curtain - decorationWhat an entertaining and wonderful idea it is to create flower compositions from nylon!  From sheer fabric one can make delicate flowers, which can be even used as hair clips, brooches, wedding decorations, and lamps.




flower arrangement from pantyhose

women’s pantyhose can be recycled

Her flower compositions are amazing!  Literally, from an ugly duckling Inna creates a beautiful swan.  Sheer fabric, tape, and glue transform in the hands of the craftswoman and acquire a new life in a form of pretty flowers.  This gives used pantyhose a second chance to life and help to reduce landfill waste.


In Ukraine this method is new and only a few people work with it. Inna Kostenko hopes to develop her skills to a higher level and eventually start to teach classes on pantyhose art.


*Friends, please visit the SHOP section to browse some stockings and pantyhose. You would support this blog by doing so.*

Katie DiCicco, the singer from Chica Bomb, is about to release a new song

Katie DiCicco in fancy pantyhose - singer for Chica Bomb and Sugar KillerKatie DiCicco is a young woman who’s voice had the whole Europe dancing a couple of years back to the #1 hit song Chica Bomb, the single by Dan Balan.

In case you forgot who is Dan Balan, let me remind you – he is one of the boys who sang the Romanian Numa Numa song.  Their band split up, so he continued his career on his own.

In her recent feature with Stoli TV Katie mentions that she has a degree in apparel design from Cornell university.

Could her fashion background explain this wonderfully styled photo that appeared as a cover for her Sugar Killer album?  As you are probably guessing, I loved this photo so much because of those black and white pantyhose that show off Katie’s legs.

According to Katie’s PR team (who by the way provided me with this beautiful uncropped photo) there is going to be another single coming out soon and a video to follow, but this time it will not be with Dan Balan.

As soon as they release that secret, I’ll do a post here to keep you current.  You can also follow Katie DiCicco’s career by connecting with her through Social Media.






Art by Ekaterina Yastrebova – Woman and Pantyhose

I would like to introduce you to 2 of my favourite works by Ekaterina Yastrebova, a very unique and modern Russian artist.  I got to ask her some questions about these drawings.  You can visit her official site here.



What inspired these paintings?

– Every day life.  Those were real life situations that created this artistic image.

I would like to know why the woman in the painting is putting on pantyhose and not stockings, since from my experience most artists prefer stockings. 

– Stockings are indeed more popular among artist (especially males), but I relate more to pantyhose.  What I wear is what I draw.


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Painting available for Sale.

This painting is already sold to Germany.

Eric Prydz – “Call On Me” – awesome pantyhose video clip!

As I was browsing Youtube, I came across the hottest music video from 2004 by the Swedish artist Eric Prydz.

Besides that this is a great song for working out, they have a very nice dance team there in bodysuits and shiny pantyhose.

The lead dancer is in fact a qualified aerobics instructor.  Her name is Deanne Berry and she is from Australia, teaching up to this very day!

From her Facebook page “Deanne Berry is an Australian dancer/model/fitness expert and choreographer best known for her appearance in the music video for the single “Call on Me” by Eric Prydz. Deanne was seen with Mr Motivator on GMTV for a month and now Sport Relief!!”




 Hey, if I can dress up like that for an aerobics class, I’m joining!

Olivia De Berardinis – the art of pinup

As soon as I saw Olivia’s work full of eroticism and sexy lingerie, I knew that I had to mention it on my blog .  I was filled with excitement and I asked her for permission to write about her.  To my surprise, she agreed.

Olivia De Berardinis, born in November of 1948, is an artist from United States who paints pinup girls.  Surprisingly, she contributes monthly to Playboy magazine, presenting her art with Hugh Hefner’s captions.  What a pleasure to know that Hugh Hefner appreciates this kind of work and it turns out that he was inspired by pinup to begin with.

It is a challenge to be a female artist who paints images that are considered to be “male oriented”.  Not everyone gets it and Olivia may be faced with some unhappy feminists.  They just see her as some type of an anomaly.  It all will change, some day, when people become more open-minded.

I invite you to pay a visit to Olivia’s website.  She has a lot of amazing paintings of women, especially women in sexy lingerie like stockings!

What do our readers have to say about this artist?  Here are some wonderful letters I got.

David from Canada

“I think that it’s refreshing to see depictions of women who are unabashedly revealing, and reveling in, their erotic power. These days that just doesn’t happen. The “ideal” modern woman is either the stern fashion model or the strong athlete – pure femininity has become an anachronism. The other thing that the artwork connotes, although implicitly, is the innocent male gaze. The idea that a man can appreciate feminine beauty with out being lascivious, and that women would enjoy that attention, even actively seek it. These days, the “male gaze” is seen as something impertinent, rude and unwanted. That’s what the art evokes for me, nostalgia for a time when sexual chemistry wasn’t so actively squelched. Besides nostalgia, I would also say that the pure sexual and sensual energy of the images is arresting. The lingerie, especially the stockings, creates a dual response: the feminine part of my psyche wonders what it would feel like to wear the clothes, to feel their sensations and to move my body in an alluring way, while the male part wonders what it would be like to touch and embrace the women. One thing is certain, you can’t view the art without feeling a strong and deep reaction.”

David from United States

“I enjoyed studying all the images of Olivia’s that I could find. In her work I see consistent use of fetish and fantasy to portray women as both beautiful and powerful. For me, there is nothing more attractive and than a woman who uses the disarming strength of a man’s fetish to get her way….   a sensual, steamy tango between the hunter and the game …I am most drawn to the many pieces that show women in powerful stances – hands on hips, hips thrown forward, chest out and proud.   Olivia found a husband who shares her passion for fetish art, and she still creates images for Playboy Magazine, with Hughes Hefner composing the captions. “


Olivia’s Website:



*Friends, the only funding for this blog is from stockings shop section.  Please have a look for some wonderful hosiery ideas.*

Fun painting by Stanislav Plutenko

That’s right, he saw stockings, not jeans.  One more reason for women to stay feminine!  This artist has a lot of nice work, have a look at his portfolio.  He has international exhibits as well.

Artist: Stanislav Plutenko

*Friends, the only funding for this blog is from the shop section.  Please indulge your pantyhose obsession and show some support for my work!  Your purchases make this blog possible.*

Helmut Newton – famous hosiery photographer

Helmut Newton was an amazing photographer with provocative and erotic images done usually in black and white, known for his beautiful photos of hosiery.  Newton preferred to shoot in streets or interiors, rather than studios. Just to give you an example of his fame, the featured photo here with two pairs of legs in stockings from 1979 sold at an auction for $52,500 in 2006, two years after Newton passed away in 2004 at the age of 84.

Born in Berlin, from family of Jewish descent who owned a button factory.  Because of the political situation his parents had to flee to South America.   Helmut Newton, as soon as he turned 18, left Germany and lived in many different countries after that.

Wolford the late 1990’s ran a famous advertising campaign featuring the work of this photographer.  Beautiful work, but not everyone understood this kind of art.  In 1998 New York Metropolitan Transit Authority had placed a ban on displaying Wolford advertisement on their territory because in their opinion it was too provocative.  Wolford decided to proceed using those images anyway for their line regardless of what the transit authority thought.


Quotes by Helmut Newton:

Interesting Quotations from Helmut Newton

  • “The people who use me have more money than I’ll ever see – they are rich – they are industrial leaders, big companies, successful magazines. I don’t feel sorry for them. But I also work for free sometimes. And it’s just as much fun. I can do photos for magazines put out by young people who don’ t have enough money to pay the people who work for them. If they’re doing something I think is interesting, and I think I can help them out, then I do it for nothing.”
  • “In the beginning, I wanted to be a big reporter and travel around the world, but it didn’t work out that way.”
  • “When I was 18 and in Singapore I was flat broke. The Singapore Straits-Times offered me a job as a reporter… but every time there was something to take a picture of, I got there too late.”
  • “There is no message in my photos. They are quite simple and don’t need any explanation.”
  • “Like a lot of photographers, I am also fascinated by store-window mannequins. I like to lead the viewer on a wild goose chase. Often the models look like mannequins and the mannequins look like humans. The mix-up amuses me, and I like to play on that ambiguity in my photos.”
  • “Another one of my obsessions is swimming pools. I love water. It fascinates me like swimming pools fascinate me, especially the ones in big cities.”
  • “I photograph the upper class because I’m well acquainted with it. And when someone asks me why I never show the other side of the coin, I reply that I don’t know much about it, but that there are other photographers who can do a marvellous job. I prefer to stick with what I know.”
  • “People have said that my photos have nothing at all to do with reality. That’s not true: everything is based on reality.”
  • “… I want to show how a woman in a certain mileu lives… the kind of car she drives, her setting, what kind of men she sees. It doesn’t matter where they come from – New York, Paris, Nice, Monte Carlo. Their nationality doesn’t matter either. The women of a certain mileu, no matter where they’re from, all look and dress alike.”
  • “I am very impressed when I travel from one continent to another, from Paris to Beverly Hills; the women can’t possibly resemble each other, but their clothes and make-up are always the same. it’s a sign of the consumer society.”
  • “I like and look for reactions. I don’t like kindness or gentleness. I want to provoke, but not by choice of subject… The only provocation that I hate is that of the surrealist image. It has no place in my world.
  • ” I love vulgarity. I am very attracted to bad taste – it is a lot more exciting than that supposed good taste, which is nothing more than a standardized way of looking at things. .. … in Sleepless Nights all that sadomasochism still looks interesting to me today.”
  • “I always carry chains and padlocks in my car trunk, not for me but for my photos – by the way, I never make the knots real tight.”






*Friends, the only funding for this blog is from the shop section.  Please indulge your pantyhose obsession and show some support for my work!  Your purchases make this blog possible.*

Pierre Molinier – artist with a hosiery fetish

Some call it Fetish, some call it Art.  Recently I went to visit Vancouver Art Gallery with my friend to see surreal art exhibit and one photograph left an impression on me, it was by Pierre Molinier.

Pierre Molinier and Stockings

Pierre Molinier has many photographs featuring black stockings.

I came across two photos of a man and a woman, both wearing black fishnet stockings – that caught my eye right away.  I went to that spot twice to write down the name and look at the picture one more time.

The artist, Pierre Molinier (1900 – 1976), was obsessed with black stockings and shapely legs – both male and female.  He admitted that there is nothing more sexual for him then a shapely leg covered in black nylon.

I advise you not to check his work too much if you are sensitive to sexual content.  I am myself quite sensitive to violence and explicit nudity in art galleries.  However, I figure I’ll let you know that there was an artist who was seriously into hosiery and even our local art gallery finds him worth displaying!

*Friends, the only funding for this blog is the stockings shop section. We invite you to have a look at what we have to offer.*