Kylie Minogue promotes Wolford in her video Sexercise

Kylie-Minogue-Sexercise-2014-made-by-Ernest-Garcà?a pantyhoe Wolford

Kylie Minogue, the singer known for her wild side, just launched a new video that starts with a shot of a Wolford shopping bag.

Mostly the bodywear is featured as the dancers exercise in white bodysuits, but in some shots you can tell that she is wearing nude fishnet pantyhose under her leotard.

This video of dancers doing all sorts of moves  on high heels was filmed in a high school gym. The song itself is written by an Australian composer, Sia.

Kylie-Minogue-Sexercise-2014-made-by-Ernest-Garcà?a pantyhoe Wolford leotard

Kylie-Minogue-Sexercise-2014-video pantyhose Wolford bag

Trying on a Russian Pantyhose Brand Gracia

I just returned from my trip to Europe, wearing on my flight back for the first time a pair of Russian pantyhose of Gracia (Грация) brand.  You can learn more about my trip through in my pantyhose diary if you’d like.

Some people try exotic foods when they travel, I try exotic pantyhose.  It’s been a while that I wanted to try this brand, but I just couldn’t get it anywhere for obvious reasons – this label is only available in Eastern Europe and is not designed for export. Грация label, in Cyrillic letters, would not sell anywhere else.

I passed through Moscow for work and I visited an old friend of mine, Natasha.  She greeted me wearing beautiful black pantyhose.  Later she returned, complaining that she got a run in them, but saying that they lasted her many wears.  I asked what brand it was and she said – Грация (Gracia).

Next day I had to leave, so I didn’t even know if I’ll have a chance to buy myself this brand.  So just in case I asked her if I could have those pantyhose, just to try them on.  She didn’t mind me asking, but she didn’t want to give me something that was already damaged.  Actually she even looked through her pantyhose drawer and pulled out many 40 den pantyhose of different colours by the same brand, looking for another sheer pair, but she had none left.  Realizing how much I wanted to try it, she even offered me to ship a pair to Canada, but I declined, since I didn’t want her to go through the hassle.

pantyhose by Gracia Russian brand with reinforced toesLuckily, I found a pair of pantyhose by brand in a store – the style displayed on the photo above, 20 den, sheer to waist, with reinforced toe.  I asked for whatever colour they had, except for black – turned out they had Mocca.  Fine, I took it, but I must admit it looks more like dark tan rather than real Mocca.

Somehow for my whole trip it was really cold, so I was walking around in 40 den pantyhose.  But on my flight back to Vancouver I decided to lighten up and look glamorous, since a special someone was supposed to meet me at the airport.

I put on Gracia pantyhose for the first time in the morning, getting ready for my flight.  Let’s just say, I was a little nervous since I never tried that brand and besides Natasha’s positive feedback had no idea if it will survive for such a long period.  What if I end up with a huge run in them?

pantyhose by Gracia Russian brand with reinforced toes close up 2Reinforced toe already cheered me up, at least that means it’s more durable in that section.  Interestingly, it had a thick border at the beginning of the reinforcement, almost like a statement saying that the toe section begins!  Also, I noticed that the band was quite broad and elastic and held on well.  It didn’t have a control top, but a t-top with a cotton gusset.

That proved to be very good eventually because I never felt like I had to pull up these pantyhose throughout my flight and two transfers.  It survived at least 24 hours on me and when I took it off it had no runs or holes.  Excellent quality!  Now the only regret I have is that I didn’t buy more.

After checking the website of the manufacturer, I realized that they have some really nice advertisements.  Here are some of their pantyhose ads.  Do you notice that they feature only skin-tone and black colours?



Wolsley Underwear and Hosiery Advertisement

This is an old advertisement that used a man for their marketing material.

I’ve heard it in a lecture on marketing that this was an approach to recognize the males as customers too.  Women buy hosiery and underwear and who gets to appreciate the most?  The men!
This brand still exists to this very day.  I wonder, did they really try to get men to buy stockings for their women or is this taken out of context by the presenter of the marketing lecture that I listened to?

I would love to hear your opinion. But I somehow don’t feel that the man in that silly hat on the Wolsey poster turns me on.

Coloured Opaque Pantyhose by Anne Klein

Today I was flipping through our Fashion magazine for Canada and I was hoping to see some hosiery for the fall collections.  I saw some here and there, but Anne Klein had the most colourful display for hosiery enthusiasts!

I’d love to hear your opinion on fashion colours like that.  Do you ever wear it?  I have some, but I feel like it’s very hard to make it look stylish.  At least I always need to put more effort.

On another note, I’d like to say that the fashion combinations in general in the photo below are horrible in my opinion.  The only lady that somewhat makes sense with her clothing is the black girl.  I just decided to show it to you because finally someone is advertising hosiery.

*Friends, please note that the main source of funding for my blog is the shop section. See what it has to offer.  I also appreciate your likes on facebook and your twitter comments.*

Helmut Newton – famous hosiery photographer

Helmut Newton was an amazing photographer with provocative and erotic images done usually in black and white, known for his beautiful photos of hosiery.  Newton preferred to shoot in streets or interiors, rather than studios. Just to give you an example of his fame, the featured photo here with two pairs of legs in stockings from 1979 sold at an auction for $52,500 in 2006, two years after Newton passed away in 2004 at the age of 84.

Born in Berlin, from family of Jewish descent who owned a button factory.  Because of the political situation his parents had to flee to South America.   Helmut Newton, as soon as he turned 18, left Germany and lived in many different countries after that.

Wolford the late 1990’s ran a famous advertising campaign featuring the work of this photographer.  Beautiful work, but not everyone understood this kind of art.  In 1998 New York Metropolitan Transit Authority had placed a ban on displaying Wolford advertisement on their territory because in their opinion it was too provocative.  Wolford decided to proceed using those images anyway for their line regardless of what the transit authority thought.


Quotes by Helmut Newton:

Interesting Quotations from Helmut Newton

  • “The people who use me have more money than I’ll ever see – they are rich – they are industrial leaders, big companies, successful magazines. I don’t feel sorry for them. But I also work for free sometimes. And it’s just as much fun. I can do photos for magazines put out by young people who don’ t have enough money to pay the people who work for them. If they’re doing something I think is interesting, and I think I can help them out, then I do it for nothing.”
  • “In the beginning, I wanted to be a big reporter and travel around the world, but it didn’t work out that way.”
  • “When I was 18 and in Singapore I was flat broke. The Singapore Straits-Times offered me a job as a reporter… but every time there was something to take a picture of, I got there too late.”
  • “There is no message in my photos. They are quite simple and don’t need any explanation.”
  • “Like a lot of photographers, I am also fascinated by store-window mannequins. I like to lead the viewer on a wild goose chase. Often the models look like mannequins and the mannequins look like humans. The mix-up amuses me, and I like to play on that ambiguity in my photos.”
  • “Another one of my obsessions is swimming pools. I love water. It fascinates me like swimming pools fascinate me, especially the ones in big cities.”
  • “I photograph the upper class because I’m well acquainted with it. And when someone asks me why I never show the other side of the coin, I reply that I don’t know much about it, but that there are other photographers who can do a marvellous job. I prefer to stick with what I know.”
  • “People have said that my photos have nothing at all to do with reality. That’s not true: everything is based on reality.”
  • “… I want to show how a woman in a certain mileu lives… the kind of car she drives, her setting, what kind of men she sees. It doesn’t matter where they come from – New York, Paris, Nice, Monte Carlo. Their nationality doesn’t matter either. The women of a certain mileu, no matter where they’re from, all look and dress alike.”
  • “I am very impressed when I travel from one continent to another, from Paris to Beverly Hills; the women can’t possibly resemble each other, but their clothes and make-up are always the same. it’s a sign of the consumer society.”
  • “I like and look for reactions. I don’t like kindness or gentleness. I want to provoke, but not by choice of subject… The only provocation that I hate is that of the surrealist image. It has no place in my world.
  • ” I love vulgarity. I am very attracted to bad taste – it is a lot more exciting than that supposed good taste, which is nothing more than a standardized way of looking at things. .. … in Sleepless Nights all that sadomasochism still looks interesting to me today.”
  • “I always carry chains and padlocks in my car trunk, not for me but for my photos – by the way, I never make the knots real tight.”






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