Digital Art by J. Aton: Even Wonder Woman Needs Run-Resistant Pantyhose

Even Wonder Woman has trouble finding run-resistant brands!  This painting of a Wonder Woman and her hosiery problems is by J. Aton.

You can see more work by Aton here:

Tribute to Sweet n Pantyhose

People are dealing with the hard facts to accept about the loss of our pantyhose enthusiast, Sharri, also known as Sweet n Pantyhose.  She passed away in the summer due to cancer.  One of her fans, Aton, created this artistic tribute in the memory of her.

Sharri loved to be on the beach and she even filmed some of her videos from there.  Also, she was a very sweet girl – that’s why the sky has the pattern of a honey comb.

This drawing was done in Photoshop based on some real life photos of Sharri.  You can see more work by Aton here:

You may read my previous post here about Sweet n Pantyhose passing away. LINK.

art by Aton 0 remembering Sharri Kimberley - hosiery model and enthusiast that passed away due to cancer.