Eastern Europe: Pantyhose As a Sign of Financial Prosperity

As you can learn from the history of hosiery, it was always regarded as something of higher class because simple peasants in villages could not afford it and only the wealthy would wear it.

In Eastern Europe this still holds true.  Here are some references for your interest from a variety of Eastern-European sources where women equate pantyhose with money.  Pantyhose as a sign of Financial Prosperity!


Russian Deputy, Nina Ostanina, as a response to accusations of blackmail, makes a statement to show that she has enough money in order not to engage in criminal activities:

“I have enough money to buy myself a skirt and a pair of pantyhose!” – Nina Ostanina, Russian Deputy

Nina Ostanina at a talent show and a nice blond host in pantyhose ГђВќГђВёГђВЅГђ° ОстÐ°Р“ђВЅГђВёГђВЅГђ°, ГђВєГђВѕГђ»Р“ђВіГђВѕГ‘‚ки

Nina Ostanina is a mature lady on the left in a black knee high dress. At this concert the blond host is wearing pantyhose, but Nina isn’t from what it looks. Could it be in fact true that this poor deputy engages in blackmail because she doesn’t have enough money for pantyhose and a skirt?


Svetlana Hodchenkova, a Russian actress, came to a fashion show in a strange outfit, according to a Ukrainian 7 Day Newspaper.  Despite the cold weather, she was wearing a fur coat and sandals worn on bare legs and the media was quick to issue a mocking headline to address such nonsense.

Is Svetlana Hodchenkova saving money on pantyhose? Newspaper Headline, mocking her bare leg appearance

Svetlana Hodchenkova in white pantyhose

But it looks like she changed her mind when it came to getting attention of the opposite sex.  Smart move, Svetlana!


Natalya Tolstaya, a Russian psychologist/sexologist/writer, gives as an example of a greedy husband, saying that a woman should not beg her husband for some money to buy pantyhose.  She mentions all sorts of pantyhose scenarios in her videos. If requests are received, I’d be glad to retrieve them for you.

According to Natalya Tolstaya, the ultimate example of having a greedy husband is having to beg him for some money to buy pantyhose. 

Natalya Tolstaya, in the middle, wearing pantyhose and 2 women in hosiery on the sides from her.

Natalya Tolstaya is the lady in the middle. Do you think that this hosiery clad trio has generous enough husbands who give them money for pantyhose?


Would you like to imagine what people would think if a woman would come with bare legs to a business meeting?  I hope you read this article with a sense of humour, but keep in mind that in every joke there is a part of truth.


*Thank you to my Ukrainian and Russian friends who helped me to put together this article – Pantyhose As a Sign of Financial Prosperity.*

Sources (in foreign language):

Deputy ArticleMocking Bare Legs ArticleNatalia Tolstaya YT Videos



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