End of FantasyWetlook.com

wetlook picture lauma lingerie

FantasyWetlook.Com used to be a fun blog about wetlook, but shut down due to lack of funding

Dear friends,

Some of you know that I had another blog before – FantasyWetlook.com

It just closed down 1 hour ago.

I am very sad about it, but I felt that it would be best to close it rather than to keep an inactive blog.

Fantasy Wetlook got disqualified from all major advertiser networks (ex. Google Adsense, Chitika, Izea).

Not sure how, since there was no nudity there, but it was interpreted as “not for kids” material, even though some of the articles were so innocent in their nature.

Without funding, it didn’t make sense to continue this blog.  It’s a lot of work to generate content, censor comments, and so on.

My Fantasy Wetlook Youtube and Twitter still exist though.  I am not planning on closing those down.

MORE RECENT UPDATE: My Fantasy Stockings blog, the one you are reading, got kicked out of Google Adsense as well.  Hence, for that reason I am trying to develop an active shop section.  At the moment this is the only source of funding for this blog.  Please pay a visit if you are in the market for some sexy hosiery.

Fantasy Stockings is a registered business name.


What funds this blog?

UPDATE:  The only funding now comes from the SHOP section.  But here’s the ancient info anyway when I tried to keep this non-commercial.

…. long long time ago before Google changed it’s mind

My friends, it’s just a reminder that the only major source of funding for this blog is the advertisement from Google.  I get people asking me all the time something like “Can you really make money from this?”.

Let’s just say, not much money at all when you consider the work put in.  However, it does help to cover some costs and the time it takes to research and write.

Of course, main thing is traffic.  More hits means more earnings from the advertisement.  At the moment I’d say that 50% of my traffic comes from organic Google search and the other 50% comes from forums.  After I’ve done some SEO tricks, my organic traffic doubled.

Please be kind to the sponsor ads and see what they have to offer.  If you are part of some online communities that may be interested in the topics I write about, please feel free to share the link.

You are also welcome to join my Fan Page on Facebook!  http://www.facebook.com/FantasyStockings

Fantasy Stockings