Denier for Fishnets? I didn’t know it was possible.

These are the fishnet stay up stockings that said “40 den” on the package.

Denier is a measurement that majority of the people are not familiar with in North America.  I knew what it means from an early age, but I guess there is always more to learn.

Recently I bought a pair of fishnets that said “40 den”.  I was kind of surprised that fishnets would indicate that.  On the other hand, many other cheaper brands stopped indicating denier all together.

Here is a good answer from HosieryNovelties on Twitter.

@HosieryNoveltie wrote:

The deniers define at 1st the weight of the yarn, and only indirectly the sheerness, that’s why.  It’s 1 den if 9,000 meters of yarn weight 1 gram. Every yarn has a weight, including those used for fishnets.  The heavier the yarn, the more opaque the hosiery tends to be. That’s why I said the mark of sheerness is only indirect.  Note, weight and opacity don’t always go together. There are sheer pantyhose with high deniers.  

I thought it was a very good point, so I decided to share it with you.  Weave of hosiery for sure also plays a big role.

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