Different types of heels: Cuban, French, Havana and Manhattan!

reinforced heel

Somehow I always referred to them as Cuban, but turns out that there are some classifications out there when it comes to reinforced heels.

Can you tell each type of heel apart?

There was recently a nice article explaining the difference done by Gigi’s Intimates, an online store that specializes in vintage-look stockings by Cervin and Gio.

Perhaps it would be nice to know how such heels got their names, but for now, have a look at some instructions on how to tell which one is which.



Low Rise Pantyhose – most long lasting pair ever for that kind of price!

Has anybody tried it?  I am about to!  Low rise pantyhose are very popular among teens.

OK, just put on a pair of low rise hipster tights by Gabriella brand.  They are in fact very cheap, so I’d like to put them to a test.

Material: The fabric is not soft, it’s sheer, but feels a little rough to touch.  Still seems very durable though, especially because of the reinforced toe.

In terms of low rise: I must admit that this is my first time trying this on.  It feels nice around the hips.  I don’t feel like it is too low.  I guess for those times when I used to wear pantyhose under pants, this would be perfect.

Yesterday I was talking to a woman who said that her mother brought her some warm pantyhose.  She pulled up her sweater and under her jeans she had very high rise control top, but her jeans were low cut.  It looked kind of strange, but I guess maybe she pulls up the pantyhose so high on purpose for extra warmth around the waist.

low rise pantyhose

Reinforced Toes


Update from 3 months after opening that pair

– Still no runs!  I wore it probably at least 7-8 times.

– This pantyhose survived Velcro (a boy next to me on the plane landed his jacket’s sleeve on my leg)

– I notice irregularity in the weave (see defects section), but this as it turns out, doesn’t affect the durability

– I can’t really say that the fabric is soft, but it fits well and doesn’t slide off the hips.


Update 8  months after opening this pair

– Still good!  I wore it on my trip to Europe and even did a photoshoot in it.  No runs.  I love this low rise pantyhose!

low rise pantyhose

Low Rise Pantyhose

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