High Heel Sport – Fast and Sexy

Let’s talk about something to warm up the winter.  How about some exotic exercise, like a jog on high heels? Would you like to sign up your wife for this high heel contest?  She may need a pair of shoes to flaunt!

There is also such thing as lingerie football, but those women wear garter belts and even garters, but no stockings.  I suppose that they need to wrap their knees and feet for protection, so they can’t really have sheer clothing over it.

I think we need to get more lingerie sports, it would be very entertaining. Any other ideas?  Wrestling?  Let’s say for sure not fencing!

I guess that nothing really compares to running on high heels because this is something that women have to do from time to time.  It’s a good skill to have!  I’ve done lots of it in my school years, running to the bus stop to catch the bus on time.

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