Jenna Talackova is giving interview for Out TV at Vancouver Pride 2012

I saw her giving an interview for Out TV, of course, I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but I tried to film her pretty face anyway.  She’s beautiful!

Jenna wasn’t born with this name.  It used to be Eugene, and “Page” in between.  It’s hard to believe that this long-legged woman was not born female!

Some sources say that she has Czech descent, some say that she is aboriginal.  But most sources point that her family is from northern British Columbia First Nation community.  It’s quite surprising to see her with blond hair like that, most native people here look very different.  Oh well, she’s unique!  But my opinion is that she is the most optimized hybrid of two descents.






Jenna Talackova and Wonder Girls

One of the stars of the gay parade this year is Jenna Talackova, a local Vancouver’s transgendered beauty who fought for her right to be in the beauty contest.  She got disqualified at some point for not being born a woman.

Turns out that she is a big fan of Korean music.  On this photo she is posing with Wonder Girls and in one of her interviews she mentioned that she looked up to Harisu, Korean transgender pop star.

Why would a young woman of Czech descent look up to Koreans?  I guess since she was born in a city like Vancouver, with so many foreign influences, just about any ethnic combination is possible.  She is very unique in her ways and I admire her for that.

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