A legendary woman who’s femininity lead to her success

Mary Kay and Pantyhose

Disclaimer:  in this article I am showing my respect for a female entrepreneur and her success, but I am in no way promoting any product here or recommending to join this company. 

Some of you may know that I have a lot of friends from the Mary Kay circles.  One of them gave me a book to read on Mary Kay.  I didn’t expect much from it, but started to read it out of respect for the woman who gave me that book.  It turned out to be one of the best biographies that I’ve ever read.

Mary Kay believed that God made women feminine for a reason and instructed her sales representatives to always look their best.

Even though pants were already acceptable, she told women not to wear it and aim for the most well groomed professional lady appearance.  In her opinion, even men would respect a woman more who behaves and dresses like a lady.

Even though this woman came from a totally different time, her advice for women is very progressive even in these days.  For example, she says that you can’t afford NOT to hire a cleaning lady if you are planning to have a family and a career.

There were times when Mary Kay would be the only woman present at business meetings.  She’d walk into a room full of men and all the sudden they would become quiet and more polite in her presence.  Her feminine look, with diamonds and fancy hair, even though that she was already a grandma, would send the message that this is a lady and one should behave accordingly around her.

I truly admire this woman for having the courage to start her own company when she was already retired and make it against all odds.

*Friends, the only funding for this blog is from the shop section.  Please indulge your pantyhose obsession and show some support for my work!  Your purchases make this blog possible.*

3 thoughts on “A legendary woman who’s femininity lead to her success

    • Avon actually doesn’t require women to wear pantyhose. Even though Avon used to sell pantyhose, I had a vintage pair on eBay that just sold recently.

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