Hosiery to suit the season and the occasion

A young woman in lingerie is browsing through her pantyhose while getting ready for work.

Nowadays, hosiery comes in a huge variety of different styles and colours, which means that the modern woman has a lot of freedom when it comes to what she wears on her legs every season.

However, this variety also means that it is easy to get carried away and choose something that is not appropriate for the occasion.

For example, if you are a professional woman, going to work in a place with a dress code, you should avoid wearing bright colours or ‘busy’ patterns. These can make you look less professional, and if they clash with your outfit, the effect can be even worse.

According to the etiquette book I’ve read recently, in their hosiery section they suggest for business women to wear light colour like beige or tan hosiery in the summer and black or charcoal in winter.

This is how I keep my pantyhose – in original packaging stacked in a box for easy retrieval.

I strongly suggest to keep your hosiery well organized.  If this is something that you wear a lot, it is a good idea to have plenty of it and keep it well arranged patterns separately, stay ups separately, and so on.

That way, if you have been relaxing in the morning over breakfast and realize that you are almost late for work, you will not have the disastrous realization that you are out of proper hosiery.

If you have some damaged hosiery that you fixed and still wear with boots or under pants, make sure it is kept in a separate bag all together from all the good ones.  As you know, I am a big fan of recycling myself.

I strongly suggest to keep flawed pantyhose (that are to be worn with boots or under pants) separately from the new ones. You don’t want to be late for work in the morning because you had to sort through a pile of hosiery.


If you are not into separating it, it’s better to throw it away because  there is nothing worse than putting on a pair of hosiery and arriving to work, only to notice that they have a run in from the last time your wore them.

Knowing how fragile the hosiery can be, it is suggested to keep an extra pair in your purse or at your desk.  I also found this being mentioned in the etiquette book that I’ve read.

On the weekends, you can be more adventurous with your hosiery, perhaps going for some colours or patterns.  We all get tired from our work clothes.

zverni uvagu show putting on pantyhose

Keep in mind the season and the occasion.

But hey, even when not at  work, it is a still important to make sure that the rest of your outfit goes will with them in order to avoid looking like a clown.  A rule of thumb is that if you are wearing patterns in your clothing, your hosiery must be plain.  If you are wearing plain clothing, then you can consider adding patterned hose to complete the outfit.

*Friends, the only funding for this blog is from the shop section.  Please indulge your pantyhose obsession and show some support for my work!  Your purchases make this blog possible.*

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