Do you believe in manifestation? (Mosquito in my Cloudberry Ikea Jam)

cloudberry jam in ikea with a mosquito in itDo you believe it that if you think of something negative happening to you, it will? I had a real manifestation experience in Ikea a few years ago when I went to buy a cloudberry jam.

In my life I got to see exactly one cloud berry, a single little berry in the middle of a northern forest. You can imagine, I was excited about the jam.

As I walked up to the cash register, I asked the lady there if this jam contains any mosquitoes. She looked at me as if I am out of my mind and told me that there are no mosquitoes.

Guess what, half way through the yummy jar, there it was – a big fat mosquito!

I took the jar back to Ikea and to the return area and told the lady that I specifically asked if there were mosquitoes and I’ve been told that there are none there.

To my surprise the customer service woman was completely not interested why there is a mosquito in the jar, but she was very much keep on how I knew in advance to ask about mosquitoes specifically.

Well, I got my $5 back. I don’t ask them about mosquitoes anymore and I continue buying that cloudberry jam, but so far they don’t have any unusual ingredients to them.

So my readers, please tell me, have I manifested a mosquito?