My Challenges with Nutrition

Alice in Wonderland over knee socksHow many of you actually wonder if your diet is balanced? Recently I was surprised to find out that Health Canada covers consultations with nutritionists. I got a phone call from a nice lady who answered my questions and sent me some information in the mail.

So I tracked my intake for a few days and to my surprise I realized that I am eating enough of everything, except for grains. I only manage to eat about half the grain products (bread, rice, etc.) of what I actually require.

This makes me wonder why this is important. I used to think that eating less bread was a good thing, but now I am not so sure. If anybody can explain to me why we need grain products to begin with, I’d be happy to know.

P.S. Contrary to the image here for illustration, I wanted to say that I actually have complete apathy for sugar. I enjoy a little bit of good cake at celebrations and an odd chocolate truffle with tea, but sweets have never been of much interest to me.