passing of a pantyhose legend – model Adrianne

One of our pantyhose legends, Adrianne, has passed away at the age of 36.

I regret to say that in February of 2012 our online pantyhose community has lost a legend, model Adrianne.

“I am the open bird cage, I am the free bird; living in the moment and loving life.” – that was what she wrote about herself on her Facebook page.  Sadly, this intelligent young woman was only 36 when she departed for the better world.

Her modeling career started in late 1990’s, just after first internet browsers appeared.  She was one of the first pantyhose teaser models on the web and she left a big impression on many.

There were a lot of people who liked her, not only for her beauty and her genuine love for pantyhose, but for her approachable sunny personality.

“As I recall she was a very sweet and outgoing person“, says Sirchristo on the pantyhose forum.  Erik, another member of our community, highlights her easy-going character: “Every time I conversed with her she was really nice and friendly.”

Adrianne was originally from Massachusetts, but she resided in Indiana.  She loved animals, especially horses, and horseback riding was her favourite sport.  Adrianne’s intellect shines through her interest in Reiki healing and in spiritual books mentioned on her Facebook page.

“It’s a beautiful day for Pantyhose!”  – that was a wonderful tag line on Adrianne’s Facebook page to greet the world.  May our community remember her for her modeling contributions and her open and cheerful personality.  She lives on in the memories of many – smart, beautiful, and friendly.

Some of Adrianne’s Favourite Quotations:

To see more photos of Adrianne, please have a look at the beautiful collage put together by Erik.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”  Mahatma Ghandi

“Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.”  Bob Dylan

“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.”  Raymond Lindquist

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”  Anonymous

“The truth shall set you free.”  John 8:32, The Bible

*Many thanks for putting together this article to Erik, Sirchristo, Loverphose, and other members of the pantyhose forum who helped with the content.*

*Friends, the only funding for this blog is from the shop section.  Please indulge your pantyhose obsession and show some support for my work!  Your purchases make this blog possible.*

47 thoughts on “passing of a pantyhose legend – model Adrianne

  1. This just breaks my heart. She was so beautiful and had gorgeous legs and feet, especially in pantyhose. She will be missed.

  2. Very nice article. A truly lovely lady, and very friendly. Hers was the very FIRST pantyhose site I signed onto. Truly a pioneer and true artist in her field. I will definitely miss her.

  3. Wow, I just read about this today. What a horrible tragedy, I am very sorry to hear that Adrianne is gone. She was the first pantyhose model I stumbled across when I begin looking on the internet and was always my favorite. I purchased memberships onto many different sites on and off over the years but hers was always a constant. We traded several emails over the years and she always seemed very sweet she even wore an outfit I requested for a photo shoot one time.

    What a horrible, horrible situation, I only hope that she has found peace.

  4. Une ГѓВ©toile s’en est allГѓВ©e …… Quel dommage ….

    Elle ГѓВ©tait si belle et c’ГѓВ©tait l’ГѓВ©gГѓВ©rie du Collant

  5. this woman MURDERED her boyfriend. that is not a sweet little angel. you guys are so quick to blame the boyfriend but she is the one who chose him. if he was a dick, that’s what she liked. that doesn’t justify her going psycho and shooting him. any one of your girlfriends could do the same to you, and all they’d have to say is that you were mean to her, and she walks free.

    • Yes, Jim, you have a point. We’ll never know exactly what happened. For sure mental illness has something to do with this, no woman in her right mind would go a head and do such a thing.

      I try to remember people by the good that they did. She contributed a lot to the pantyhose community.

    • I know that I’m way too late in replying but If you knew the whole STORY about what was going on, the numerous beatings, the repeated calls to the police for help, she’d leave him and then he’d promise he’d not do it again, and like the battered woman that she was, she kept going back. That still doesn’t make her an angel but YOU might want to reconsider. Yes, YOU DIDN’T KNOW HER, I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. You may not believe this, but I just heard about this recently. I used the internet from 1997 to 2001, then quit, being the rebel that I am. Then I tried the internet again from 2003 to 2005, and decided it was too idle a use of my time, looking at THE perfect legs of all time, for instance. I am on the internet again, due to the fact that it is required for my daughter’s school work. I tell you this because a gentleman earlier said Adrianne’s site was always a constant for him, but in my case, it was an “always go-back-to” site. In the 90’s, her videos and shoots sometimes included her husband, and I always appreciated that this man would share this beautiful flower with the world. I actually pondered if I could do that. Now, I wonder if it is disrespectful to look at her images. Help. I am so bummed….

    • Hi, Sean, I am so sad that you are just finding it about this.
      I think that it’s OK to look at her photos, but you’ll probably not get the same effect knowing that she is no longer with us. Her work was part of who she was and it touched many people, got them to open up about what they liked. I think that she did a lot to help people with a leg fetish or nylon fetish feel like they are not alone. It’s amazing.

  7. i just discovered this beautiful woman. I don’t mean to sound insensitive, can i acquire any of her galleries from any of you? full galleries preferably?
    she was absolutely stunning what became of her is a shame.

  8. Adrianne died of a murder suicide. She was being beaten by her husband. She tood a .45 calibur gun, shot her husband and then shot herself. She was a battered wife.

  9. I was a long-time fan of hers. Lost touch with her after she “retired.” So sad to hear of her passing. I still miss her today.

  10. I just learned about this and I am so sad for her. Like the other poster I came across her site in the 90s and liked it very much. I wrote her an email and she had the habit of answering all her email personally. She was sexy and stunning and what happened to her makes me profoundly sad. RIP. I’ll miss you a lot.

  11. Hi this is Pat from the Benelux. I was reminescing last week going back to the first pages I visited late 90’s beginning 00 and went to the site of my favorite model, Adrienne. When I noticed it was no longer active, I did a search and stumbled on this tribute and I am truly touched.
    This lady was a true original and natural beauty, so gorgeous in nylon and pantyhose.
    After a few days galopping through the internet it was clear that she had a tough 2011 being victim of domestic violence by her husband (who was convicted). Apparently she decided to return and patch things up and it went south from there.
    Sometimes love is such a devastating thing. Those few seconds, minutes of insanity that bring a human being to act without thinking only seeing the evil of things and forgetting about friends and family and the good things in life, we can never understand. We read about those dramatic situations on a weekly basis and we think ‘if someone would have been around at that particular time, things might have turned differently’. You cannot condemn those situations, but you want to prevent them!!
    I would love to have chatted or conversed with her (again), because I’m convinced that she was a great person!! For what it’s worth, all my respect and heartfelt condolences to her friends, daughter, grandson and the nylon/ph lovers who knew her better.
    (I tried to register on the ‘feetunderthetableforum’ but couldn’t register)
    All the best everyone, RIP Adrienne

  12. My Gawd, ………… I met Adrianne when she first started her website, circ 1996/97 published by her husband, an asshole then, obviously still one. I continually told her that she needed to get away from him…………… but she didn’t…. sad to say. I remember her getting a Red Chevy…. Monte Carlo… she was so proud of it. Initially her website had nude modeling, some sex… there were at least two xxx videos of her n husband. I had one, but…….. I’m sure I’ve crashed a few desktops since then. Early on she would have chats (yeah even back then), where I helped her with the dirty sex chatting. She was quite the turn on ……… and later she focused more on modeling, pantyhose, some stockings, brought in new girls to model and pose with her……. I thought she got a divorce……. I am in shock about what happened…. IF it were the husband from the late ninties…….. I wish I could have done more to get her away, but….. He was very cruel to her even back then. I think of her occasionally and stumbled on this site while searching for her. I’m very saddened a lot for the suffering she had to go thru and the end result of the abuse. Dennis O’

  13. VoilГ  bientР“Т‘t trois ans que tu nous a quittГ©…
    Dieu ! Que tes jambes gainГ©es d’un collant nous manque !

    Bise de la terre pour le paradis 🙂

  14. I too met Jude in or around 1996-98. She had such a sweet disposition and I was so pleasant to talk to. She never talked about her husband and you knew she didn’t want to. She did elude in facial and physical gesters that he was abuse. I hope he burns in hell..he deserves his fate…I’m only sorry that Jude was lost because of this bastard…burn in hell Aaron.

  15. no wonder we suddenly didn’t see more of her. we were blessed by her desire of sharing her beauty with us pantyhose lovers. by doing that, we knew she had nothing to hide. now all we have is the photos to remember her by.
    r.i.p. Adrianne. she was the first true pantyhose model I ever saw in the ‘net.
    it was a moment i will never forget as all we had before was polaroids of models for sale in the mail and the occasional leg show magazine pantyhose layout. shortly after came Sammi, Izzy, Elise, and many others. but you always remember the first one.

  16. i just had to comment again, as i just read another post and found out that she was actually murdered. I’m beside myself with sadness and unable to add more. :_ (

  17. I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was touching. I am sorry what happened to her. As for me I don’t usually believe in the predestiny and supernatural… I think everyone must refine herself or himself. I am not religious at all and I believe that Adrianne had a choice to turn her life around and not end up this way.

  18. I’m not looking at her anymore, except for the BW portrait shot. She was beautiful. I suggest everyone delete all the images of her. She was with some bad guy who was just battering her and probably pimping her around.

    • This could the true that there would be a guy behind it.
      But then maybe it in fact was her choice to do erotic modeling.
      Do you know how many people would think that there is a guy behind my Youtube videos? But no, it’s just me. If there are people here who knew her personally, they could tell us their opinion.

  19. I have seen a few posts that try to suggest that we delete or shouldn’t look at her photos anymore. As if to imply it is somehow disrespectful.
    What rubbish.
    Do you stop watching movies because an actor in them has died?
    Do you stop listening to music of an artist because they too have died?
    If you do, then you have issues and should get help for that.
    Just because she is no longer with us does NOT mean we cannot appreciate her work and all the great stuff she did.
    Her situation was indeed very sad but, i appreciate what she did and that will never change

  20. Long time fan here, all the way from Sweden. I just read about this tragedy. I must say Judith deserved better. Makes you appreciate life and beauty even more. Thanks to all who wrote respectfully in this thread. Some of the pics of her actually made many of my days happier. She had an unique look that no one else will ever have.

  21. I date a lovely girl who also loves pantyhose and is running from a disgusting abusive man. I met “Adrianne” more than 20 years ago, I think. Such a nice person, always! I would ask her for something and she would do it, smile, wink at me, and we would laugh and joke about life and pantyhose.

    I am so sad to read all this. I felt at the time that she wanted to be free from something but I didn’t know it would end in this way.

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