How many of you use I-Phones to browse? – Mobile Traffic Talk

These days i-phones are like new laptops. Websites need to adjust to all the mobile traffic. As they say, the rule of thumb is that if they can’t put their finger on it on their screen – it’s too small.

Today I was speaking to a computer guy who had a look at my blog and told me that the current template is not working well on the i-phone.

Please tell me, how many of you actually use phones to browse?

I would love to know if there are any stats out there for mobile traffic for United States and Canada.

He even told me that about 50% of the online purchases are done through an i-phone.  True?

I don’t have an i-phone, kind of hate that concept of having e-mail non-stop… I wouldn’t know myself.   I appreciate your input.

people will access the internet more frequently through devices other than laptops according to statistics

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