Is Dim brand actually Elbeo?

I kept on wondering why I can’t find Elbeo in Canada, so I asked them.  Their answer surprised me!  They say that they distribute in Canada already, but under the name of Dim.

Just a few days ago one of my fans sent me some Dim hosiery as a present.  Before I tried their stay up stockings that I bought on sale in Toronto and I quite liked them.  But this was my first time trying Dim pantyhose.

dim pantyhose legs and boots resized 2 dim pantyhose legs and boots resized

These were 14 den, black, sheer to waist.  I put them on gently using cotton hosiery gloves and wore this outfit to see a friend of mine – blue boots, pantyhose, and a white dress.

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4 thoughts on “Is Dim brand actually Elbeo?

  1. Dim pantyhoses is nice, but it is not easy to find.
    As Iain wrote it look nice that outfit. I liked those boots. They are cool. Wich brand is it?
    When I saw those pictures with the pool I was thinking that you would get in to the pool with that outfit. Lucky you if you did. All I can say is that I hardly can’t be close to water without the clothes are wet. I can agree with David that I’d love to see that outfit wet too.
    Maybe it is too early, but I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas.

    • Merry Christmas to you too! I am already feeling festive.
      I need to check the brand, just a sec….
      It’s Nando Muzi, made in Italy.
      Got it in a boutique in Toronto.

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